A Few Words

Created by Niki 7 years ago
Historically, our father had a reputation from the old country as the gafgadji”. As a young man in his native village of Evrychou in the Cypriot mountains he would be regularly involved in colossal drunken brawls outside the Cafenne and often ended up spending the night in jail, as the story goes. Decades later, this reputation still stands – in 2003 when his daughter and her new husband went to visit his village, got lost and ended up asking a local policeman where to go – when Vrasida’s daughter named who her father was, the policeman said with a wry smile “ ah yes – the gafgadji”.

Vrasidas was many things, including the local Hounslow hero when one night in the mid-eighties there was a fire in the early hours of the morning and he was the first to put himself in danger’s way to rescue the elderly lady whose house was burning down.

Don’t get me wrong, Vrasidas was stubborn, cantankerous, obstinate, and it was his way or the highway. However, we remember him most as a very kind, generous, compassionate and caring man. He always looked after those close to him and often those who were not, and was well respected by the neighbourhood. He was a devoted husband of 51 years, a proud father, and grandfather. He was very sociable and always enjoyed any excuse for a party and a good drink! In particular, he never missed the opportunity to take to the floor, dancing the Greek dance, whilst balancing a glass of water on his head. With his sense of humour and cheeky smile he always found a way to make people love him

He was also a good poker player, and an avid Manchester United fan, and as a socialist, he was a proud Labour supporter. Another of his passions was engineering and was highly regarded and respected as a perfectionist at work. As a turner, he was especially proud of his work on Concorde. At home, he was often found in his garage continually tinkering with the engine of his beloved brown mark two Cortina

We picture him now without suffering and enjoying a happy reunion with his parents, Yianni and Elpiniki, his brothers, Dino, and Gogo, his sister, Eleni, and cousins, Dasos and Yianni and many other friends and family who have departed this world. The Ouzo bottle will be finished by now and a new one open already.

He was our guardian, our protector and will deeply be missed

We love you and you will always be in our hearts